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VoosteQ Material Comp v1.0.5c [WiN]

插件效果器 音频吧 43浏览

Team RET | 11 August 2020 | 25.1 MB

A cutting-edge compressor that is equipped with ”DFP(Division of Force Processing)” a technology that VoosteQ spent 3 years developing to thoroughly reproduce the nuances of an analog circuit. Mastering grade signal processing technology can be achieved with an extremely low CPU load. The internal processing is fully 64 bit and produces sounds with unbelievable transparency.

Key Features​
It features ”DFP(Division of Force Processing)” VoosteQ unique analog circuit simulation technology
True Analog circuit/saturation modeling
Accurately analog-modeled vintage classic devices
Multiple peak detection circuits
Up to 2x oversampling
An extremely high-performance analyzer
Cutting-edge transparent sounds
Full 64-bit internal processing
Extremely low CPU load
Ultra low latency
Stereo and mono plug-ins available
Up to 192kHz sample rates supported

home page:https://www.voosteq.com/material-comp/

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