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Sonic Academy Tech Tips Volume 54 with Bluffmunkey [TUTORiAL]

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P2P | 14 August 2020 | 1.3 GB

It’s time for some more Tech Tips and joining us from his studio for volume 54 we have Bluffmunkey sharing some of his wisdom!

These 10 videos cover some very different topics but are all super useful when it comes to music production – from using LFO Tool in a variety of ways, making a single drum hit differ so it can be layered or sequenced in a track to building an awesome arp lead easily and choosing the right cable for your hardware.

There’s something everyone here whatever level you’re currently at so check it out and enjoy!

home page:https://www.sonicacademy.com/courses/tech-tips-volume-54-with-bluffmunkey

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