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Audio Imperia Talos v1.1.0 [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 79浏览

P2P | 19 August | 9.99 GB

Talos is all about big ensemble sizes (12 French Horns and 12 Low Brass players: 4x Tubas, 4x Cimbassi, 4x Bass Trombones) that can go from soft and subtle to earth-shatteringly epic. One of the main goals and challenges for the library was to create something that can go the full sonic range in a larger than life ensemble size but still retain all of the realism. We also ensured that Talos not only blends perfectly with our other libraries (Jaeger, Cerberus, etc.) but truly sit well in a mix and enhances your writing experience.

home page https://www.audioimperia.com

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