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YC Audio Loop Box VST v1.0 RETAiL [WiN, MacOSX]

插件效果器 音频吧 59浏览

DECiBEL团队| 2020年8月28日| WiN:1.05 GB | MAC:1.04 GB

YC Audio和Pyrit Music联手为您带来“ Loop Box VST”。该VST为您带来40个现成的循环,每个循环都有4个可通过VST自身使用的实例。这些包括干燥,半场休息,倒转和切片。

您还拥有完整的FX Suite,包括混响,攻击,衰减,平移等。


“ Loop Box VST”旨在通过为您准备旋律来帮助旋律。有了琴弦,钢琴,铃铛,合唱团等等,您肯定可以选择多种…然后,您要做的就是添加自己的鼓,这很受欢迎!


Full Effects Suite
Windows / Mac兼容的4个实例
2.63 GB下载文件大小(压缩)
31.5 GB内容(未压缩)

Team DECiBEL | 28 August 2020 | WiN: 1.05 GB | MAC: 1.04 GB

YC Audio & Pyrit Music have teamed up to bring you ‘Loop Box VST’. This VST brings you 40 ready-made Loops with each one having 4 Instances available to use through the VST itself. These include dry, halftime, reverse and slice.

You also have a full FX Suite including Reverb, Attack, Decay, Panning and more.

Simply set the Loop you wish to use then key in the instance you wish to use i.e dry (Cmin), halftime (Emin), reverse (Gmin) or slice (Amin), then set the tempo and begin adding your drums.

The ‘Loop Box VST’ is designed to help with melodies by having them ready made for you. With strings, pianos, bells, choirs and more you sure have a variety to choose from… then all you have to do is add your own drums and you have a hit!

Product Details:

40 Loops
4 Instances for each Loop
Full Effects Suite
Windows/Mac Compatible
2.63 GB Download File Size (Zipped)
31.5 GB of Content (Unzipped)

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