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Irrupt Audio Nocturnal Transmissions [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 39浏览

奇妙 2020年8月28日| 235兆字节

任何幸运的人都可以听到的高潮。13个带茎杆的起步器,并提供您自己决定使用的令人满意的循环(低音,FX,音乐,打击乐)。您是否梦想过为真正的地下学校制作深夜吸毒音乐?好吧,IRRUPT HQ的梦想一定会实现。推出“夜间传输”,这是一款令人兴奋的新产品,它充满了声音和元素,是您在其他任何地方都找不到的。


FANTASTiC | 28 August 2020 | 235 MB

An eargasm for anyone lucky enough to be listening. 13 track starters with stems, and a satisfying supply of loops (bass, FX, music, percussion) to use at your discretion. Do you dream of making late-night heads down druggy music for the true-school underground? Well, dreams most certainly DO come true here at IRRUPT HQ. Introducing ‘Nocturnal Transmissions,’ an exciting new product full of sounds and elements you won’t find anywhere else.

Dedicated to those who love them steady techy grooves, twisted synth manipulations, and blistering sound effects. ‘Nocturnal Transmissions’ will surely result in an eargasm for anyone lucky enough to be listening to what you create with our generously offered bits and pieces. Crafted and curated by one of our absolute favorite (and secret) IRRUPT producers, ‘Nocturnal Transmissions’ is the result of years of experience in the DJ booths, studios and dancefloors of the world’s best venues. This experience combined with the pure desire to help producers create amazing underground dance tunes is the result. Made with love and a cheeky sinister smile, you’ll be quick to realize this one is proper and full of human soul, machine magic and club-ready appeal. Double clicking the ZIP will open a world of music making potential for you. Inside are 13 track starters with stems, and a satisfying supply of loops (bass, FX, music, percussion) to use at your discretion. Over 450MB packed into this one.

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