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Function Loops Vocal Pack By Lokka Vox WAV-DISCOVER

素材LOOP 音频吧 52浏览
[-] DATE.............: -- JULY 2020                                          
          [-] TYPE.............: SAMPLECD                                              
          [-] SiZE.............: 6 x 50 MB                                             
          [-] RELEASE NUMBER...: DIS-RN-10578                                          
          [-] FORMAT...........: [X].WAV                                               
                            [-] PRODUCT WEBSiTE....: https://tinyurl.com/t8omcjs       
                            [-] RELEASE............: DIS-RN-10578                      
                            [-] CRC & FiLE COUNTS..: DIS-RN-10578                      
                            [-] SUPPLiER...........: TEAM DISCOVER                     
                            [-] PACKAGER...........: TEAM DISCOVER            
The long awaited - new collection from Lokka Vox has arrived! Giving you a chance    
  to sample Lokka-s angelic voice in your next productions.                            
  One of the most successful and best selling vocal sample packs - called (Vocals      
  with Lokka) released under Function Loops in 2013 - with two follow ups and          
  countless charting releases - has led Lokka to new heights. She was featured as      
  vocalist and co-writer on labels - such as Armada - Blackhole Recordings - Enhanced  
  - Sony and many more. Charting in the Top Beatport - almost every genre. Followed    
  by international gigs around the globe.                                              
  We invested so much effort in this new collection - endless studio hours and team    
  of 6 producers - been working hard to bring you this product. So you don't need to   
  spend a fortune on getting top vocal lines for your music.                           
  (Vocal Pack by Lokka Vox) delivers the goods you are missing for your next hit.      
  Including Dry and Wet Vocal Loops - FX Vocal Chops and One Shots - over 230MB of     
  pure vocal magic. All content is Key and BPM labelled - will fit for any genre.      
  100% Royalty-Free.                                           
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