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Truefire Frank Vignola Jazz Guitar Fakebook Soloing Vol.3 [TUTORiAL]

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P2P | 2020年10月8日| 2.59 GB

在Jazz Guitar Fake Book的Soloing版的第1卷和第2卷中,您学习了如何在Frank Vignola的Jazz Fakebook节奏版中介绍的前20个爵士标准音阶上进行独奏,在其中您学习了爵士的和弦,节奏和合成方法在30种最流行的爵士标准中发展。

在第3卷中,您将学习如何在Rhythm版的第三组10个爵士标准音阶中进行独奏-在Nuage,Robin’s Nest,Satin Doll,多愁善感,没有更大的爱中发现相同的爵士和弦音阶,这些愚蠢的事情,这不可能是爱,当我坠入爱河时,一天会产生什么变化,而你真高兴回到家。

P2P | 08 October 2020 | 2.59 GB

In volumes 1 and 2 of the Soloing editions of Jazz Guitar Fake Book you learned how to solo over the first 20 jazz standard progressions featured in the Rhythm Edition of Frank Vignola’s Jazz Fakebook where you learned the chords, rhythms, and comping approaches for the jazz progressions in 30 of the most popular jazz standards.

In this 3rd volume, you’ll learn how to solo over the third set of 10 jazz standard progressions featured in the Rhythm edition – the same jazz chord progressions found in Nuage, Robin’s Nest, Satin Doll, Sentimental Journey, There is No Greater Love, These Foolish Things, This Can’t Be Love, What Difference a Day Makes, When I Fall in Love, and You’d Be So Nice to Come Home To.

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