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Splice Explores Bird Maestros [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 63浏览

团队火炬| 2020年10月23日| 242兆字节


对于这个“探索”包,自然声音专家戴维·罗滕伯格(David Rothenberg)是柏林《为什么鸟唱和夜莺》的作者,从这四个物种中提取了长达一小时的自然歌曲的最佳片段。然后,他的儿子(音乐制作人)乌姆鲁(Umru)进一步精制,切碎并将这些歌曲扭曲成自然适合您制作的声音。



· 58个处理过的夜莺循环·6个原始的夜莺循环

Team Flare | 23 October 2020 | 242 MB

Did you know that birds are the original samplers? Some breeds have for millions of years copied, pasted, and remixed the sounds of many other birds. Specifically, the North Carolina mockingbird, Berlin nightingale, Helsinki nightingale, and Queensland lyrebird.

For this Explores pack, nature sound specialist David Rothenberg, author of Why Birds Sing and Nightingales in Berlin, has extracted the best parts of the hour-long natural songs from these four species. Then his son, music producer, Umru further refined, chopped, and twisted these songs into sounds that will fit naturally into your production.

Next time you sample a sound, remember that these bird maestros have been doing it for millions of years before humans ever appeared on this Earth. And now you can share in their genius.


· 22 Processed Lyrebird Loops
· 1 Raw Lyrebird Loop
· 38 Processed Mockingbird Loops
· 3 Raw Mockingbird Loops
· 58 Processed Nightingale Loops
· 6 Raw Nightingale Loops
· 55 Processed Percs
· 21 Phrases FX
· 54 Raw Phrases
· 36 Tonal One Shots

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