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Sonic Academy How To Make Chillwave with Brothertiger [TUTORiAL]

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SYNTHiC4TE | 2020年10月25日| 2.95 GB

Sonic Academy自豪地欢迎新来的兄弟Brothertiger深入了解他如何制作充满冷气的合成器音轨Livin’

在Ableton进行编曲并放下音轨,然后再转到Pro Tools进行混音,这门课程对充分利用两个不同的DAWS来获得所需的结果。
从工作流程技巧以及John如何使他的想法发扬光大开始,我们继续研究Ableton中的曲目和处理的不同元素。然后,我们将Pro Tools中的John Markson加入到导出的茎中,在其中添加活鼓和人声,然后混合音轨以准备进行母带制作。



SYNTHiC4TE | 25 October 2020 | 2.95 GB

Sonic Academy proudly welcomes new tutor Brothertiger for an in-depth look at how he made his chilled synth-laden track Livin’

Composing and laying down the track in Ableton before moving over to Pro Tools for the mixdown this course has the added interest of how to utilise two different DAWS to their full potential to get the desired result.
Starting with workflow tips and how John gets his ideas flowing, we move on to look at the different elements of the track and processing in Ableton. We then join John Markson in Pro Tools with the exported stems where we add live drums and vocals followed by a mixdown of the track ready for mastering.

Using some classic 80’s synths and seamlessly combining electronic and live elements, this is a masterclass in the synthwave genre.

Go Check it out!

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