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Sweatson Klank Purple Hills LITE VERSION [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 51浏览

奇妙 2020年10月24日| 106兆字节

Purple Hills是由生产者为生产者创建的。这个包是我们喜欢称为流派的。
所有声音和循环都是非流派特定的,并且有可能在几乎任何作品中使用。该录音包使用各种模拟和数字设备录制,具有DSI先知6-12,Fender Rhodes 73,Yamaha Pss 480,Korg Poly 800,Korg Ds 8,Yamaha DX 7,Korg Juno 106,Circuit Bent等来源的声音。卡西欧MT-800,穆格旅行者(Moog Voyager)等。它还具有现场乐器和数字仿真的组合堆栈。


FANTASTiC | 24 October 2020 | 106 MB

Purple Hills was created by producers for producers. This pack is what we like to call genre free.
All the sounds and loops are non genre specific and have the potential to be used in just about any composition. Recorded with a vast variety of analog and digital gear the pack features sounds from such sources as DSI Prophets 6-12, Fender Rhodes 73, Yamaha Pss 480, Korg Poly 800, Korg Ds 8, Yamaha DX 7, Korg Juno 106, Circuit Bent Casio MT- 800, Moog Voyager, and many more. It also features combination stacks of live instruments and digital emulations.

This is a lite version of the full pack which is forthcoming. Enjoy. SK

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