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Design My Beat TomorrowLand Elixir of EDM [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 49浏览

P2P | 2020年10月30日| 22.48 GB


EDM的Elixir Tomorrowland是
面向电子音乐制作人的新型虚拟乐器/ Kontakt库。这是最重要的

P2P | 30 October 2020 | 22.48 GB

Welcome to the elixir of EDM, absolute & infinite creativity. You’ll be able to create fantastic melodies and impressive rhythmic.

Tomorrowland, Elixir of E.D.M, is the new virtual instruments / Kontakt
library for electronic music producers. This is the most colossal library of
synth, lead, drums, vocals, bass, pad, plucked, atmo, sound effect,
pianos and arps…This library offer a new way to create music with his
realistic interface.

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