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Splice Sounds Mike Hawkins Presets [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 41浏览

团队火炬| 2020年10月31日| 15兆字节

嗨,您好!我很高兴为您提供全新的血清预设包装!史蒂夫·杜达(Steve Duda)使用此合成器做了出色的工作,它是我能想到的最灵活的全能合成器之一,因此使用它来重现我认为使唱片变得梦幻般的氛围对我来说很自然。在此包中,您将找到从头开始构建的64个原始合成器预设。他们中有些人在初次收听时(或在您的特定音轨中)听起来可能很“怪异”,但是您可以确定,它们都是精心制作的,并带有特定的想法。

“ Knice Party”预设在高音上听起来可能很奇怪,但是将其调低一些,男孩,那个补丁会杀死。但是罢工了一场伟大的小调和弦和听声音的后遗症 – 当一个快速落格局,“这人爱的和弦”的声音真的很伤心独自演奏了“街道”有东西绝对疯狂吧。这么好!那“时空”呢?也许不是您典型的琶音,但要互相弹奏一些音符并听到它的声音。像“伊斯坦布尔”之类的音色会随着您按音符的速度而发生很大变化。你明白我想在这里说的话。用这些声音去做一些惊人的记录!当我需要“唯一的”图层时,其中很大一部分已用于我自己的记录中-对于我来说,这对我而言比仅放一个“ Electro Leads 101”文件夹更为重要。有些声音在其范围之外效果很好(“ BA Beast”也是很酷的领先!),而有些声音则应保持在预期范围内(“ BA Clash”是低调的演奏者,但异想天开,令人恐惧的领先) 。并查看“ BA State of EDM 2015”-震颤的低音,但听起来像是高调的费雪笛子。然后向我的朋友大声喊叫7个天空,Toby Green和未来派北极熊,他们每个都添加了一些声音,并确实使包装变得栩栩如生。祝一切顺利!迈克·霍金斯 然后向我的朋友大声喊叫7个天空,Toby Green和未来派北极熊,他们每个都添加了一些声音,并确实使包装变得栩栩如生。祝一切顺利!迈克·霍金斯 然后向我的朋友大声喊叫7个天空,Toby Green和未来派北极熊,他们每个都添加了一些声音,并确实使包装变得栩栩如生。祝一切顺利!迈克·霍金斯



Team Flare | 31 October 2020 | 15 MB

Hi there! I’m happy to give you my brand new preset pack for Serum! Steve Duda did an amazing job with this synth, and it’s one of the all-round most flexible ones I can think of, so it only felt natural for me to use it to recreate the vibes that I feel make records fantastic. In this pack you’ll find 64 original synth presets built from the ground up. Some of them might sound “weird” at first listen (or in your particular track), however you can be sure that they all have been carefully crafted with a particular idea in mind.

The “Knice Party” preset might sound strange on higher notes, but bring it down low and, boy, does that patch kill. “Streets” has something absolutely mad to it when played as a quick drop-pattern, “This One Loves Chords” sounds really sad alone – however strike up a great minor chord and listen to the after-effects of the sound. So good! And what about “Spacetime”? Perhaps not your typical arp, but play a few notes after each other and hear it come to life. And a patch like “Istanbul” changes significantly depending on how quickly you press the note. You get what I’m trying to say here. Go make some amazing records with these sounds! A good part of them have been used on/off in my own records when I need that “unique” layer – that has been more important to me with this pack than just putting together a folder of “Electro Leads 101”. Some of the sounds work great outside their range (“BA Beast” is a cool lead too!) and some of them you should keep in their intended range (“BA Clash” is a great low-player but a whimsy, horrible lead). And check out “BA State of EDM 2015” – a monstrous wobbly bass, but sounds like a fisher-price flute in the high notes. And then a big shout out to my friends 7 Skies, Toby Green and Futuristic Polar Bears who added a few sounds each and really helped the pack come to life. All the best! Mike Hawkins


· 63 Serum Presets

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