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Splice Originals Electric Sheep [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 61浏览

奇妙 2021年1月5日| 573兆字节



FANTASTiC | 05 January 2021 | 573 MB

Have you ever woken up unsure if you were coming out of a dream or a nightmare? This pack is designed to bring relief to a dark cold winter, but not without some reflection. Made remotely in quarantine with an eye on a return to summer and civilization, this pack has influences from Leisure, Glass Animals, and Coast Modern.

Comprised of guitars, keys, synths, and tropical melodic percussion, these sounds hint toward brighter times with a small amount of hesitation. These are the sounds of cautious optimism They have a mellow edge that’d probably be a better soundtrack for an easy evening than an epic pool party.

home page:https://splice.com/sounds/splice-originals/so_electric_sheep_dream_pop

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