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Function Loops Lofi Hiphop and Live Sounds [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 84浏览

奇妙 2021年1月12日| 327兆字节


FANTASTiC | 12 January 2021 | 327 MB

A refreshing collection of Lofi beats with emotional pianos, soulful saxophone, and guitars! Loaded with a bunch of inspiration, including Hip-hop Drums, Fills, Basslines, live Keys, Sax Loops, Guitars, Music Loops, FX, and super useful One Shot Samples. Most of the stuff delivered as Dry & Wet versions, where applicable. This new collection will be a pleasure to sample into all Hip-hop sub-genres, as well as Soul, Trap, Rnb, and many other types of beats, where a live touch is needed.

home page:https://splice.com/sounds/function-loops/lofi-hiphop-live-sounds

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