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Truefire Brad Carlton Guitar Lab Arranging For The Guitar Vol.2 [TUTORiAL]

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P2P | 2021年1月17日| 2.39 GB




P2P | 17 January 2021 | 2.39 GB

I have wanted to do this for a long time. This course is an actual live video lesson with an advanced student of mine. I am always “in the moment ” when I teach, so you will get to witness what it would be like to study with me one-on-one.

I truly believe that this video format will help all players at all levels. Number 1, it will reveal how another player may deal with the same technical, rhythmic, or musical issues as you. It is as if you are watching a master class with other players. Number 2, it will reinforce the camaraderie that musicians share as we are all learning from each other and the challenge is always to be as musical as possible.

For this course, we will be looking at harmonic options for the first measure of the standard Georgia. Grab your guitar, and let’s get started.

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