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Oversampled Ultimate Future Bass Xfer Serum Presets Vol.1 [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 50浏览

AudioLove独家发售| 2021年1月20日| 12.7兆字节

Future Bass是当今最相关的舞蹈音乐类型之一。人们在Soundcloud上获得了数百万次的播放。如果您想成为其中之一,则需要正确的声音。为了帮助您,我们准备了Future Bass Xfer Serum预设的完整集合。巨大的超锯,郁郁葱葱的垫子,琶音,弹拨器,低音提琴等等。我们确保所有声音都与自身完美契合。





  • 12贝斯
  • 37和弦
  • 4种效果
  • 1把钥匙
  • 7条线索
  • 5个护垫
  • 8个插针


AudioLove Exclusive | 20 January 2021 | 12.7 MB

Future Bass is one of the most relevant dance music genres nowadays. People get millions of plays on Soundcloud. If you want to be one of them, you need the right sounds. In order to help you, we prepared a complete collection of Future Bass Xfer Serum presets. Huge supersaws, lush pads, arps, plucks, basses and even more. We made sure that all the sounds fit perfectly with themselves.

Every sound is unique and creates different feelings, depending on the combination. Sounds are perfect to layer with each other and you will never need more than those presets to create your dream future bass drop.

Check out the preview video and take your music production game to the next level!

The pack includes:

74 Xfer Serum Presets:

  • 12 Basses
  • 37 Chords
  • 4 Effects
  • 1 Keys
  • 7 Leads
  • 5 Pads
  • 8 Plucks

4 Wavetables

home page:https://oversampled.us/products/ultimate-future-bass-serum-presets-vol-1

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