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Groove3 Melodyne 5 Tips and Tricks [TUTORiAL]

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奇妙 2021年1月29日| 217兆字节

Synth Pro泰勒·科芬(Tyler Coffin)提供了有关Arturia Juno-6 V的深入教程!欣赏并了解Arturia如何重现了80年代最具传奇色彩的合成器之一Roland Juno-6合成器。了解Juno-6 V的所有特性和功能,以及如何通过这种惊人的虚拟娱乐方式制作经典声音。此外,您还将获得视频系列中的预设。这些视频是为Arturia Jun-6 V新用户设计的。

泰勒首先详细介绍了Jun-6 V,并了解了有关原始Roland Juno-6的一些历史,然后介绍了如何使用Jun-6 GUI和一些有用的操作信息。然后,您将深入研究单个数字振荡器或DCO,该振荡器或DCO产生来自原始乐器的和弦模拟声音。然后显示并说明了Jun-6滤波器,放大器,包络和LFO,以便您确切地了解它们的作用以及它们如何影响声音,因此在构建补丁时可以有效地利用它们。



要查看这些深入的Arturia Jun-6 V教程向您展示的内容,以及它们如何使您启动并运行并了解该强大的虚拟合成器可以执行的所有操作,请参阅此页面上单独的Jun-6 V视频教程说明。了解为什么Roland Juno合成器在今天仍然如此受人尊敬,并通过这种出色的虚拟娱乐获得声音和共鸣…今天观看“ Arturia Jun-6 VExplained®”。

SYNTHiC4TE | 22 January 2021 | 1.49 GB

Studio wiz Patrick Coffin presents comprehensive tip and trick Melodyne video tutorials! If you are looking to go further with Melodyne 5 and improve your workflow and creativity, this video series is for you. You also get the audio files used in the videos so you can follow along on your system. If you are completely new to Melodyne 5, we recommend viewing Melodyne 5 Explained® first. These videos are for those who have some basic Melodyne 5 knowledge and want to learn more.

To begin, Patrick welcomes you and starts off with some important Melodyne technical info, and then discusses what prerequisite knowledge is needed for this series. You’ll then get two in-depth basics overview tutorials to ensure that you go into the following tips & tricks videos with a good understanding of this amazing software.

With that out of the way, Patrick now shows you cool things like how to optimize Melodyne’s keyboard shortcuts, techniques for better performance, effectively using Melodyne’s different algorithms, create great sounding Automatic Double Tracking (ADT) tracks using Melodyne’s Random Deviations feature, understanding and using the new De-Essing options, how to easily convert audio to MIDI, using the Sound Editor to creatively reshape the timbre of your tracks and much more.

To see what these insightful Melodyne tutorials show you, and how they’ll enable you to work more creatively with Melodyne 5, see the individual Melodyne video tutorial descriptions on this page. Discover what awaits you and your pitch & time manipulative needs… Watch “Melodyne 5 Tips & Tricks” today!

home page:https://www.groove3.com/tutorials/Arturia-Jun-6-V-Explained

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