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Simple Samples Audio Horror Harp [KONTAKT]

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 92浏览

P2P | 2021年1月29日| 267兆字节



  • 7个使用以下方法折磨听众的补丁:

‣拨弦(已调音) :对于那些想要更悦耳的声音的人

  • 截止旋钮可控制低通滤波器的数量
  • 共振旋钮可控制低通滤波器的共振
  • 闪光旋钮可在混音中添加鬼混效果(具有额外的八度和声)
  • 电子管饱和度旋钮可增加颗粒感
  • 合唱旋钮可控制立体声的数量
  • 反向按键开关(键盘上的D0)可将此竖琴转换为令人讨厌的音景/通过按键盘上的C0返回正常播放
  • 每个样本的可视波形
  • 267 MB下载文件大小。
  • 需要完整版Kontakt 5.8.1或更高版本

P2P | 29 January 2021 | 267 MB

Horror Harp is a sampled 100-year-old lap harp that I inherited from my wife‘s grandmother. When I learned about its heritage–that it had been strung with guitar strings during the 1920’s Great Depression era–I had to record it! With cracked and scratched antique wood, this atonal instrument rattles and growls with distinct character. This harp has been bowed, knocked, stabbed, whacked, plucked, strummed, and punished to produce horrific one-of-a-kind sounds you’ve never heard before. Horror Harp will add a unique flavor to your next horror score.


  • 7 patches to torture listeners with:

Bows: scratches, whacks, & tremolos that will drive you insane
‣  Knocks: knocks on the wooden body of the harp
‣  Metals: screwdrivers full of hatred
‣  Plucks (Natural): enjoy the natural detuned spectacle of this harp
‣  Plucks (Tuned): for those who want a more pleasant sound
‣  Strums: what this harp was born for
‣ Woods: angry drum sticks

  • Cutoff knob to control lowpass filter amount
  • Resonance knob to control lowpass filter resonance
  • Shimmer knob to add a hellish reverb to the mix (with additional octave harmonics)
  • Tube Saturation knob to add a gritty distortion
  • Chorus knob to control the amount of stereo presence
  • Reverse keyswitch (D0 on keyboard) to transform this harp into hellish soundscapes / Return to Normal playback by pressing C0 on keyboard
  • Visual Waveform of every sample
  • 267 MB download file size.
  • Requires full-version Kontakt 5.8.1 or higher

home page:https://www.simplesamplesaudio.com/products/horror-harp

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