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Gio Israel Muses Divine Vocals by Liat Zion [WAV]

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P2P | 2021年1月29日| 681兆字节

为了庆祝来自世界各地的鼓舞人心的女性声音,Gio Israel的Muses致力于以各种风格,传统和氛围来增强杰出的歌手。

当被问到音乐对她意味着什么时,利亚特·锡安(Liat Zion)说:“音乐就是生活,它在一切中。” 利亚特(Liat)植根于希伯来人的古代声音传统,提出了一种古老的,接近圣经的音质。她的文字完全直观且流畅,发自内心的祈祷般的歌声。如果中东有灵魂音乐,那就听起来像。

P2P | 29 January 2021 | 681 MB

Celebrating inspirational female voices from around the world, Muses by Gio Israel is solely dedicated to enhancing exceptional vocalists in a range of styles, traditions and ambiances.

“Music is life, it’s in everything” says Liat Zion when asked what music means to her. Rooted in the ancient vocal traditions of the Hebrews, Liat brings forward a sound of an old, almost biblical quality. Her texts are completely intuitive and in flow, with prayer-like singing coming from the heart. If the Middle East had soul music, this is what it would sound like.

home page:https://splice.com/sounds/gio-israel/muses-divine-vocals-by-liat-zion

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