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[氛围驰放采样]That Worship Sound Feedback Pad [WAV](1.63Gb)

素材LOOP 音频吧 48浏览




它们不是速度或主要/次要特定的,因此可以与任何歌曲一起使用。将它们加载到Mainstage中的样本中,Ableton中的场景中,或者仅运行iPhone / iPad!


Soft choir and ambient pad layers run through a tape delay with the feedback cranked. This ambient pad bundle includes 12 minute long WAV and MP3 files in all 12 keys. These work great as song transitions, or an ambient drone that fills out a song.

Soft choir and ambient pad layers run through a tape delay with the feedback cranked.

This ambient pad bundle includes 12 minute long Wav and MP3 files in all 12 keys.

These work great as song transitions, or an ambient drone that fills out a song.

They are not tempo or major/minor specific, so they can be used with any song. Load them into a sample in Mainstage, a scene in Ableton, or just run off an iPhone/iPad!

No additional software required!

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转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » [氛围驰放采样]That Worship Sound Feedback Pad [WAV](1.63Gb)