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[影视电子管弦综合乐器音源]Sonic Reality Infinite Workstation Gold For Infinite Player [KONTAKT](14.41Gb)

Kontakt 音源 音频吧 131浏览

这些大量的虚拟乐器声音涵盖了从声学和电子乐器,管弦乐队的声音,电影声床,老式琴键等等的所有内容-所有这些都以低廉的价格实现。载有3,000多种声音和超过12GB的示例内容的Infinite Workstation Gold是词曲作者/作曲家的游乐场。而且,由于所有这些示例都是针对Native Instruments的Kontakt和Kontakt Player(包括在内)进行格式化的,因此您可以将它们与任何支持RTAS,AU或VST插件的DAW一起使用,也可以独立格式使用。

Sonic Reality无限工作站金牌捆绑软件功能概览:

格式化为与Native Instruments的Kontakt或Kontakt Player一起使用的所有声音(RTAS,AU和VST格式,以及独立格式)


管弦乐黄铜小巨人:984MB / 128声音
乐团弦乐开普敦:1.75 GB / 219声音
乐团打击乐小队长:790 MB / 102声音
乐团木管乐队(Kapsule):1.19 GB / 165声音
乐团乐团Kapsule:677MB / 40声音
Tron Kapsule:567MB / 54个声音
Vintage Kapsule:630MB / 279声音
Vocal Kapsule:785MB / 49个声音
世界乐器Kapsule:454MB / 82声音
民谣吉他Kapsule:476MB / 72声音
低音小提琴:310MB / 104声音
电吉他Kapsule:453MB / 72声音
电子鼓Kapsule:403MB / 464声音
Studio Drums Kapsule:510MB / 723声音
Omnisoundz 2 GM Collection:1.06GB / 133个声音

Looking for the ultimate deal on a killer sound library? Check out the Sonic Reality Infinite Workstation Gold bundle. This massive collection of virtual instrument sounds covers everything from acoustic and electric instruments, orchestral sounds, cinematic sound beds, vintage keys, and more – all for a fantastic low price. Loaded with over 3,000 sounds and more than 12GB of sample content Infinite Workstation Gold is a songwriter/composer’s playground. And since all of these samples are formatted for Native Instruments’s Kontakt and Kontakt Player (included), you can use them with any DAW that supports RTAS, AU, or VST plug-ins, as well as in standalone format.

Sonic Reality Infinite Workstation Gold Bundle Features at a Glance:

A complete set of virtual instrument sounds covering drums, guitars, orchestral instruments, and more
A saving of over 65% compared to the individual price of each instrument
All sounds formatted for use with Native Instruments’s Kontakt or Kontakt Player (RTAS, AU, and VST format, as well as standalone)

Included Kapsules and Sound Libraries:

Orchestral Brass Kapsule: 984MB/128 sounds
Orchestral Strings Kapsule: 1.75 GB/219 sounds
Orchestral Percussion Kapsule: 790 MB/102 sounds
Orchestral Woodwinds Kapsule: 1.19 GB/165 sounds
Orchestral Ensembles Kapsule: 677MB/40 sounds
Tron Kapsule: 567MB/54 sounds
Vintage Kapsule: 630MB/279 sounds
Vocal Kapsule: 785MB/49 sounds
World Instrument Kapsule: 454MB/82 sounds
Acoustic Guitar Kapsule: 476MB/72 sounds
Bass Kapsule: 310MB/104 sounds
Electric Guitar Kapsule: 453MB/72 sounds
Electronic Drums Kapsule: 403MB/464 sounds
Studio Drums Kapsule: 510MB/723 sounds
Omnisoundz 2 GM Collection: 1.06GB/133 sounds
Deluxe Grand Piano C7: 300MB

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