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Renraku Platinum Loops [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 41浏览

奇妙 2021年2月11日| 304兆字节

Renraku展示了PLATINUM LOOPS,这是一个渗入主流的环路套件。每种声音在流行音乐的熟悉程度中都经过精心调配,同时又保持了突破性的活力。


从自然的现场乐器到令人难忘的合成器和纹理,PLATINUM LOOPS提供各种情绪和音色,以铂金边缘修饰您的作品。

FANTASTiC | 11 February 2021 | 304 MB

Renraku presents PLATINUM LOOPS, a loop kit primed to infiltrate the mainstream. Each sound is well-seasoned in the familiarity of popular music while keeping the excitement of breaking new ground alive and well.

Claps, snares, kicks and percussion dipped in fat 808s. Catchy, hard grooves. Sound-design expertise applied to multilayered melodic motifs – a rich sonic experience.

From natural, live instruments to memorable synths and textures, PLATINUM LOOPS supplies all sorts of moods and timbres to trim your work with a Platinum edge.

home page:https://splice.com/sounds/renraku/platinum-loops

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