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Trip Digital Charley Gobot Vocal Pack 1 [WAV]

素材LOOP 音频吧 47浏览

太棒了 2021 年 2 月 18 日 | 4 MB

计算机病毒 Charley Gobot 是由一位名为“程序员”的匿名硅谷黑客创建的。这个人声包是 Trip Digital Sound Design 和 Charley Gobot 的合作成果。它由单词和短语组成,可让您深入了解计算机病毒的特征。让我们的演示成为您的概念证明。享受!

FANTASTiC | 18 February 2021 | 4 MB

Charley Gobot, the computer virus, was created by an anonymous Silicon Valley hacker known as “The Programmer.” This vocal pack is a collaborative effort from Trip Digital Sound Design and Charley Gobot. It consists of words and phrases that give you insight about the character of a computer virus. Allow our demo to be your proof of concept. Enjoy!

home page:https://sounds.com/samples/release/5340

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