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Kingsway Music Library WahWah James Vol.1 [WAV, MP3]

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奇妙 2021年3月15日| 1.97 GB

哇华·詹姆斯(WahWah James)是多伦多的一位多乐器演奏家和制作人。在他的第一本书中,他探索了从古巴音乐,乡村,冲浪和电子音乐中汲取的各种风格。15条曲目中的每条曲目都经过精心设计,可以将这些不同的风格扭曲到崭新的现代语境中,一定会激发想象力。


P2P | 02 March 2021 | 318.14 MB

WahWah James is a multi instrumentalist musician and producer from Toronto. On his first volume he explores a range of styles pulling from Cuban music, Country, Surf, and Electronic. Each of the 15 tracks is crafted in a way that contorts these different styles into a fresh modern context sure to inspire the imagination.

James uses many different instruments in his music including the Pedal Steel, Tres Cubano, Acoustic/Electric Guitars, Yamaha CS30, and the Prophet 6. Each sample contains clear song ideas and structures for producers and artists to live within while still allowing enough space to explore their creativity.

home page:https://www.kingswaymusiclibrary.com/collections/the-library/products/kingsway-music-library-wahwah-james-vol-1

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