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Whole Loops Speech Sauce [Ableton Live]

Ableton Live 音频吧 76浏览

团队 DECiBEL | 2021 年 3 月 5 日 | 2.4 MB

使用 Speech Sauce 将您的口语对话完美融合,这是 Reid Stefan 的标志性 Ableton 预设,带有 8 个简单的旋钮,可即时控制 100% 的插件链。将此音频效果架放到任何录制的演讲中,享受默认预设的即时抛光效果或调整 8 个宏旋钮以适应您的声音!与 Ableton 11 和 10 Lite、Standard 和 Suite 版本兼容的语音酱。

Team DECiBEL | 05 March 2021 | 2.4 MB

Mix your spoken dialogue to perfection in seconds with Speech Sauce, Reid Stefan’s signature Ableton Preset with 8 simple knobs for instant control over a 100% stock plugin chain. Drop this Audio Effect Rack onto any recorded speech and enjoy the instant polished finished of the default preset or tweak the 8 macro knobs to fit your voice! Speech sauce compatible with Ableton 11 and 10 versions for Lite, Standard, and Suite.

home page:https://wholeloops.com/product/speech-sauce/

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