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The44thfloor In Color (One Shot Kit) [WAV]

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太棒了 2021 年 3 月 25 日 | 46 MB

The44thfloor 展示了在加利福尼亚州奥克兰的 Vintage 合成器博物馆录制的另一组原创和独特的镜头。In Color 包含 200 个单镜头,这些镜头是使用罕见的老式模拟合成器、老式麦克风、模拟前置放大器、1/4 磁带机和盒式录音机制作和处理的。


Arp Rhodes Chroma、Moog Memorymoog、Wurlitzer 200a、Yamaha DX1、Mellotron、Yamaha CS-80、Roland Jupiter-8、Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 以及更多非常受欢迎的乐器的声音

FANTASTiC | 25 March 2021 | 46 MB

The44thfloor presents another collection of original & unique one shots recorded at the Vintage synth museum in Oakland, Ca. In Color contains 200 one shots that were crafted & processed using rare vintage analog synthesizers, vintage mics, analog preamps, 1/4 tape machines & cassette decks.

This kit includes sounds from:

Arp Rhodes Chroma, Moog Memorymoog, Wurlitzer 200a, Yamaha DX1, Mellotron, Yamaha CS-80, Roland Jupiter-8, Sequential Circuits Prophet-5 & many more highly desirable instruments.

home page:https://gumroad.com/the44thfloor#fiRNI

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