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Maestros and Their Music: The Art and Alchemy of Conducting

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英文 | 2017 | ASIN:B0767N6YT8 | MP3@64 kbps | 9 小时 47 米 | 268 MB


约翰·莫塞里 (John Mauceri) 带来了一生的经验,他对他的职业进行了前所未有、信息量大、始终如一的有趣探索,其中包含与音乐界最伟大人物合作数十年的轶事。凭借坦率和幽默,Mauceri 清楚地表明,指挥本身就是一种组合:遗产和传统、从大师传给学徒的技术——而不仅仅是一丝难以言喻的魔法。

他揭示了指挥家如何处理一首音乐(个人诠释、想象力和对作曲家意图的洞察的计算组合);仅通过手势进行交流需要什么,有时同时与数百名表演者进行交流;以及这位巡回大师偶尔光鲜亮丽、充满挑战的生活。与伦纳德·伯恩斯坦 (Leonard Bernstein) 密切合作 18 年、师从利奥波德·斯托科夫斯基 (Leopold Stokowski) 并在耶鲁大学任教 15 年的毛塞里 (Mauceri) 是指挥生涯中魅力与戏剧、激情与苦差、竞争与关系的完美向导.

English | 2017 | ASIN: B0767N6YT8 | MP3@64 kbps | 9h 47m | 268 MB

An exuberant, uniquely accessible look inside the enigmatic art and craft of conducting, from a celebrated conductor whose international career has spanned half a century.

John Mauceri brings a lifetime of experience to bear in an unprecedented, hugely informative, consistently entertaining exploration of his profession, rich with anecdotes from decades of working alongside the greatest names of the music world. With candor and humor, Mauceri makes clear that conducting is itself a composition: of legacy and tradition, techniques handed down from master to apprentice – and more than a trace of ineffable magic.

He reveals how conductors approach a piece of music (a calculated combination of personal interpretation, imagination, and insight into the composer’s intent); what it takes to communicate solely through gesture, with sometimes hundreds of performers at once; and the occasionally glamorous, often challenging life of the itinerant maestro. Mauceri, who worked closely with Leonard Bernstein for 18 years, studied with Leopold Stokowski, and was on the faculty of Yale University for 15 years, is the perfect guide to the allure and theater, passion and drudgery, rivalries and relationships of the conducting life.

home page:https://www.amazon.co.uk/Maestros-Their-Music-Alchemy-Conducting/dp/0451494024

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