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Ocean Veau Nefelibata (ElectraX Bank) [Synth Presets]

合成器预置 音频吧 40浏览

太棒了 2021 年 4 月 5 日 | 24 MB

Ocean Veau 带着另一个来自这个世界银行的名字回来了,你们都叫“Nefelibata”。从宽敞的 Plucks 和 Pads 到疯狂的新浪潮 Arps 和 Leads,这家银行绝对是您库存中的首选。如果您厌倦了乏味、沉闷且不够丰富多彩的节拍,那么 Nefelibata 是您的完美选择。

********XP 包括********

  • 20 阿尔普
  • 20 弹
  • 20 垫
  • 10 条线索
  • 8 低音

FANTASTiC | 05 April 2021 | 24 MB

Ocean Veau is back with another out of this world bank for y’all called “Nefelibata”. From spacey Plucks and Pads to the insane new wave Arps and Leads, this bank is definitely a go-to once stocked in your arsenal. If you are tired of your beats sounding boring, dull & not colorful enough, then Nefelibata is the perfect choice for you.

********XP Includes********

  • 20 Arps
  • 20 Plucks
  • 20 Pads
  • 10 Leads
  • 8 Bass

home page:https://theproducersplug.com/product/ocean-veau-nefelibata-electrax-preset-bank/

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