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AKAi MPC Expansion Araab Muzik Soulful Vocals Edition [MPC]

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P2P | 2021年4月18日| 215兆字节

继广受欢迎的Mofit校友“ TrapSoul Edition”获得成功之后,这个令人难以置信的新系列的下一章将人声制作的元素带到您的混音中!!在此扩展中,此新的araabMUZIK扩展再次以“主题校友”的才华横溢为特色,添加了灵魂陷阱人声产品,包括……..人声钩子,旋律,乐句,Ad Libs和呐喊声,弹起为干/湿这些版本增加了今天声音的所有嘶嘶声FX,将您的节拍转变成使您与人群分离的乐曲。

araab演变的一部分是与其他生产商和艺术家合作,扩大了他的声音和创造力。这就是Akai Pro和araabMUZIK再次合作推出“ araabMUZIK礼物”系列的原因。如承诺的那样…..这个新包装将介绍由他的团队录制的声乐课程,为您提供所有工具来推动您的作品前进!

所有具有“ Dry&Wet”版本的人声样本均可进行即时制作和启发。只需简单地连接MPC,即可立即开始烹饪杰作。有关araabMUZIK项目和Motif校友的更多信息,请访问araabMUZIKpresents.com“

Inside Motif Alumni“ Soulful Vocals Edition”

包括超过396种男性/女性声乐样本,包括钩子,短语,呼喊,弹跳成干和湿版本的顶行。还包括1个独家Bonus TrapSoul DrumKit,具有关键的旋律和打击乐。

P2P | 18 April 2021 | 215 MB

Following the success of the hugely popular Mofit Alumni “TrapSoul Edition” The next chapter in this incredible new series brings the elements of vocal production to your mixes!! Inside this expansion, This new araabMUZIK Expansion again features the talented skills of “Motif Alumni” adding Soulful Trap Vocal production which includes everything from……..Vocal Hooks, Melodies, phrases, Ad Libs, and Shouts, bounced down into Dry/Wet versions adding all the sizzle FX for today’s sound transforming your beats into hits separating you from the crowd.

Part of araab’s evolution is expanding his sound and creativity by working with other producers and artists. This is why Akai Pro and araabMUZIK have teamed up again introducing the “araabMUZIK presents” series. As promised…..this new pack will introduce vocal sessions recorded by his team giving you all the tools to push your productions forward!

All vocal samples feature “Dry & Wet” versions proceed for instant production and inspiration. Simply, hook up your MPC and start cooking up masterpieces instantly. For more information on araabMUZIK projects and Motif Alumni go to araabMUZIKpresents.com”

Inside Motif Alumni “Soulful Vocals Edition”

Includes over 396 Male/Female Vocal Samples including Hooks, Phrases, Shouts, Top Lines bounced into Dry and Wet version. Also included is 1 exclusive Bonus TrapSoul DrumKit with key melodics and drum hits.

home page:https://mpcsoftware.akaipro.com/#cbp=assets/ajax-meet-the-team/soulful-vocals.html

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