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[贝希斯坦三角钢琴]Bechstein Digital 1.2.0 KONTAKT Cut End Repack [重新包装](13.8GB)

钢琴 PIANO 音频吧 172浏览

Bechstein Digital 1.2.0 KONTAKT (Cut End Repack)| KONTAKT Samples » Kontakt| 13.8 GB

C. Bechstein D 282是一架音乐会三角钢琴。由于D 282能够突出和强调最好的旋律线条,因此它是世界上现代音乐会三角钢琴中最好的钢琴之一。

D 282具有无与伦比的丰富音色,可以突出和强调最微妙的旋律,因此,D 282属于世界上最好的现代音乐会三角钢琴。演奏C. Bechstein,您可以自由地强调某种声音,强调某种旋律或强调某种和弦,从而使您的解释更加生动生动。


质量:24位44.1 kHz立体声

C. Bechstein D 282 is a concert grand piano. Thanks to its ability to highlight and emphasize even the finest melodic lines, the D 282 is one of the best from modern concert grand pianos in the world.

With its ability to highlight and emphasize even the most subtle melody lines through its unparalleled richness of tone colors, the D 282 belongs to the best modern concert grand pianos in the world. Playing a C. Bechstein, you can freely stress a certain voice, underscore a certain melody or accentuate a certain chord, and thus make your interpretation more lively and vivid.

Long endings of samples were cut off (everything below -60-70db)

Quality : 24 bit 44.1 kHz stereo

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