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复仇者合成器 Vengeance全套采样包

Avenger 预置 音频吧 270浏览

大小:41 GB

The ultimate deal: All 47 award winning Vengeance samplepacks in one bundle at the lowest price ever. Save over 50% (!) and immediately gain access to the hottest EDM, Dubstep, Trance, Dance, House, and Electro sounds on the market.

The perfect collection of drums, effects, synths, vocals, loops, synths and everything you will ever need to create your next hit. Those samples formed the EDM, Electro and House genres and their subgenres to what they are today and can be found on every hit producers arsenal from the past 15 years!

Don’t hesitate and get the complete collection now: Equip yourself with the modern sample library standard from the hit studios all around the world

最终的交易:所有47个屡获殊荣的复仇样品以有史以来最低的价格打包在一个包中。节省超过50%(!)并立即获得市场上最热门的EDM、Dubstep、Trance、Dance、House和Electro sounds。



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