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Sampleism Bandoneon KONTAKT阿根廷手风琴

钢琴keyboard 音频吧 51浏览

官网 :http://www.sampleism.com/kaneda/the-bandoneon

The Bandoneón is a type of concertina popular in Argentina and Uruguay. It plays an essential role in the orquesta típica, the tango orchestra. This particular Bandoneón was recorded in Buenos Aires, Argentina by the renowned composer Guillermo Guareschi.

It is a “Premier” Bandoneón with a sweet and expressive sound. One Neumann microphone was in charge of register for the left hand where all the bass notes are generated plus an additional ribbon microphone that handled the very low frequencies.

The right hand was captured by a modified SE A5600 II tube microphone and an AKG was set to record the natural high roof ambience of the recording space.

All the microphones were connected to vintage Telefunken preamplifiers that delivered the signal directly without any console or black box in the chain.

The recordings were all made at 24 bits 48Khz.

Utilising the full power of Kontakt’s Scripting Engine you have full control over:

The volume of the air sound (3x Round Robin)

The volume of the keyclick (7x Round Robin)

Fine Tuning from -100 to +100 cent.

Drag and select interface control for 5 different convolution reverbs

The volume of the reverb mix from zero to drenched

Switch buttons to toggle various articulations on or off

Spread control to dynamically adjust the stereo spread

User manual link can be found in the comments area below.

Full retail version of Kontakt 4.2+ required. Will only work in demo mode with the free Kontakt Player.

Kontakt /WAV

Ambient /Glitch/ Instrument /World Music

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