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Native Instruments BRASS SOLO KONTAKT交响乐铜管独奏音源

音源音色 音频吧 55浏览

格式KONTAKT 文件大小17.57GB

31 GB of sample content (17 GB after lossless ncw compression)
19,420 samples
5 Soloists: 1st Horn, 2nd Horn, Bb Trumpet, Tenor Trombone and Bass Tuba.
Over 100 fully-playable chromatic articulations for utmost depth and flexibility.
An uncluttered and elegant interface to accelerate your workflow.
Efficient ram and voice optimization. Quickly load just the content you need.
Close, Medium, Far and Stereo Master Mix microphone positions with independent mixing, routing, panning and loading.
Customizable hotkeys, mixer settings and snapshot saving and loading
Built in FX, including convolution reverb with 100 custom impulse responses, EQ, filter and compression.

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