格式分类: Kontakt Libraries 支持平台: 支持PC/MAC
占用空间: 122.49G
cineperc 史诗篇章是cineperc四个包中最残忍的。
这些鼓产生的音音范围和大小被Dennis Sands操刀混合。
CinePerc is Cinesamples’ largest download to date as it is a collection of 4 libraries in 1. The disk footprint is 100GB in total. To speed things up, we split up the library into a popular archive format known as ‘RAR’. The included installer will expand them automatically once the download is complete. Please be prepared to allow time for the packaged samples to download.
We also offer an optional CinePerc USB flash drive that can be purchased at checkout.
The Cinesamples Downloader application (sent in an email after purchase is approved) will download and install CinePerc onto the drive that you choose. If you wish to install CinePerc on an external drive, set that location before beginning the download. After downloading is complete, the installation will automatically begin. Installation will create an additional 100GB of data on top of the downloaded 100GB of .rar files, which can be deleted after installation. Make sure you have at least 200GB of free space available during the installation process.
转载请注明:Audioba-音频吧编曲混音资源网 » Cinesamples CinePerc A.C.E.P KONTAKT 影视史诗鼓合辑